So I remember a few things from my dream last night. I was going to a party at the house of a friend who I used to work at B. Dalton with. The house in this dream for the most part was one I hadn't seen before, although as the dream went on, parts of it morphed into parts of houses from other dreams. For some reason I'd taken my two dogs with me, and my 4 year old dachshund got out of the house and disappeared. I was so scared and worried and sad, and we couldn't find her anywhere! If I could have woken up from that dream, I would have done it as soon as I could have. But I had to be in that dream for awhile. When I did wake up, I think when Dora actually woke me up about 3 am for her breakfast, I was so relieved to be able to hold her and love on her. What a scary dream!
I know my friend was in the dream because I've been to parties at his house before, and I'd commented on a post of his on Facebook yesterday. Not sure why Dora was in the dream, although I know that I do have dreams about one or both of my dogs getting loose and running away once in awhile. Just glad to have woken up and had both my dogs snuggling in bed with me. By the way, the dog on the right in the picture above is Dora, and to the left is my other dachshund, a 2 year old male named Argyle.

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