Saturday, May 30, 2015

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted?


So I had a couple different dreams last night, but as the last one had to kind of do with more of a trip, I chose to title today's blog post for that.

The first dream I was hanging out with my brother, who actually was in most of my dreams last night.  It was early in the morning, very early, before people are usually awake. And for some reason we were trying to sneak back to the house we grew up in, where in the dream our parents were still living.  They had a huge pile of mail on the front doorstep. We stopped the car in the street and I went up to look through the mail.  I found three packages for me, the soft envelope kind that usually mean someone has sent me a book. ANd then I knew there was an envelope somewhere for me, a bill or a refund from a utility, but didn't have enough time to look through it as I can hear my stepdad inside getting ready to take the dogs outside. So I try to run to the car to leave before he comes out, but I don't make it and so I have to say good morning as he comes outside.  And then I think I woke up but don't remember for sure.

The second part of the dream started with trying to find seats on a plane with my cousin Margaret and a friend of another friend.  And for some reason my brother was also there looking for a seat.  He ended up having to sit somewhere else on the plan as we didn't end up with any seats by where we were.  I almost lost my seat as well because I couldn't find my belongings at first.  Then the plane landed.  And we all had to get off and I thought we were just going to another plane to eat.  On the way I see a van and my cousin Angie and one of her sons or nephews coming out of it on a stretcher as if he's been injured.  No idea where that came from.  But we get to the other plane, and let me tell you how strange and huge this plane is.  The seats are like 5 or more in a row on each side of the plane, and then part of the plane has tables set up and people are sitting and eating at the tables.  After my cousin and my friend's friend and I all find seats and even save one for my brother this time, I go back and find he's already found a seat at one of the tables.  And then I find out that we're not going back to the original plane, we'll be leaving on this plane, so I have to run back to the first plane to try to get my stuff from the bus or the plane, I don't remember for sure. But a guy that I used to teach with, a cute guy, but a married younger guy, has also flagged the plane/bus back so he can get his stuff and I can get my stuff.  And that's about all I remember from the dream.

Weird again, and very vivid.

Friday, May 29, 2015

To BEA or not to BEA

So, if you are a book lover and blogger, you probably know what I mean by BEA, I mean Book Expo America.  Like the biggest book convention in the US.  I've been able to go twice, 2012 and 2014.  Unfortunately it is in NYC, and so I can't afford to go every year, even with my sister living there and giving me a free place to stay.  But everyone who is there, lots of my blogger friends, are posting all their wonderful pictures of meeting authors and all the piles of books they're getting.  So of course it's making me jealous, and of course it would then leak into my dreams as it did last night.

So, I dreamed that the conference was going on and I was there, but not at the conference.  Somehow I was in the same convention center area, and was seeing the people who had been there, even though I didn't get to actually go in.  I ran into one blogger, I can't remember if it was someone real or not, but it was someone I'd traded with before, and she was sitting at a table and had a card to give me with a couple ARCs she was looking for that she wondered if I might have.  Of course how in the world she thought I would have ARCs since I hadn't even been to the convention, I don't know. But that is what happened.  Whenever I dream about being at conferences I have the same kind of long hallway area with a sign up table at the end that shows up in all the dreams.  It is kind of a combination of the different hotels/convention centers that I've been to I think.  I also dream a lot of times about a little bar that is in a house/bookstore type building that authors go to before or after the convention and somehow I can walk to it from my house/apartment/hotel room.  It varies depending on the dream.

That's the main stuff I remember from my dreams last night.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Bookstores, Birthdays, Bars, and Beaches

So, if my title doesn't make a lot of sense, it's because it is a list of all the things I remember from my dreams last night that I kind of chanted over and over in my head to try to help myself remember for my post today.  Let's begin shall we?

What I remember is being in the bookstore where I work, although it wasn't the usual form it takes in my dreams, this kind of looked like a bar.  And we had these 12 tables set up with birthday cakes on them.  And supposedly there were 12 different people coming in to have their birthdays celebrated for free at this bar/bookstore.  The employees had to spread out at the different tables to be part of the celebrations, kind of as guides to each group for the event.  The table I was at had a kind of messed up looking cake.  One corner, where you might normally have the person's name, looked at first like it had been cut out.  But as I got closer, I saw that it just had like a mound of extra icing there instead. The group that walked up to my table were two attractive guys.  One that was like my image of the perfect guy, and then the other one who was the actual birthday person.  The guy having the birthday was gay.  But I wasn't sure if his friend was, or was just being a good friend and celebrating.  So I had to walk around and give a tour and then also while we sat at the table I had to try to make conversation with the two guys.  And it was hard.  I get really nervous around cute guys.  For some reason we got separated and when I got back to the table they'd already cut the cake and I was worried about not getting a piece with lots of icing.  But I ended up with on.  I also remember that the birthday parties were being sponsored by Guiness Beer?  And at one point in the tour I felt I had to make sure to point out to my two guys that the bookstore was just my part time job and that I was a full time high school librarian.

Now, outside of the bookstore/bar was a beach, and I just remember going out there and seeing like some kind of big yard sale going on.  And at the end, a woman I used to work at the bookstore with came over with her mother and they offered to give me some fancy chair thing for me to give to my niece.  So then I had to try to get the chair, and suddenly my two dogs as well, out out to my car.  And to get to my car we had to walk down this sidewalk in a city, that is what pops up in some of my dreams where I"m supposedly visiting my sister in NYC.

My own interpretation is that I saw a really cute guy, my perfect image, at the bookstore last night. And he came up to ask for a book, and actually stumbled over his words a bit.  And I worked last night, which is probably why the bookstore was in my dream.  Not sure why there was cake, other than maybe I saw a book last night that had something to do with cake that stuck out in my head.  I think the chair thing came from reading posts by that friend on Facebook before I went to bed, as well as talking about my niece with one of my fellow workers at the bookstore.  The dog part of the dream is easy. My two dogs are making me crazy!  I love them to death!  And love how snuggly they are at night. But when the oldest one, Dora, decides she wants me to get up and take her outside to potty, she starts just licking my leg.  Just one lick.  Waits a few seconds, then another.  It is so annoying!!  The having to make sure they knew about my library job has to do with me finding out that once again I didn't get a library job in the district I had taught in for 14 years.  It was very disappointing to me yesterday because I didn't even get called in for an interview.  Very frustrating.  As for the beach, have no idea where that came in, other than I'm going on vacation this coming weekend. Not that I'll be near a beach though.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Who Can It Be Now?

So I don't remember the whole dream, again.  But bits and pieces that stood out or were repeated over and over.

We were going walking on a trail.  Me and some other people, can't remember who all was there.  But one guy showed up and walked with us. A guy who was interested in me I guess. And I guess I was interested back.  This part of the dream kept kind of replaying.  In one of the replays he stood in front of me and told me to jump on his back and he'd give me a piggy-back ride.  I started to get on, but then thought about how I didn't want him to know just how heavy I am right now, so I got back down and said I'd just walk.

Now, supposedly we were looking for traces of something, like aliens or something?  Or else they were after us.  I know that we'd end up at a certain point, where he and I would really start talking and getting to know each other.  As usual the perfect guy never really has a face in my dream, and I don't really ever SEE him.  I guess that's because there isn't a Mr. Right in my life yet.  I kind of get the sense as I think about it that he reminds me of a kind of nerdy guy that I've seen in something, tv show or movie, etc.

As I think about it now, I think the part of the reason I had the guy carrying me in the dream has to do with a part in the book I was reading yesterday.  Wish I could remember more, I know there was more that I remembered this morning when I was thinking about blogging about it.  Oh well.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Class Field Trips?

Okay, some really weird things in my dreams last night.  Somehow I ended up in a hotel with students.  Other teachers were there as well, so it's not anything really weird and wrong.  We had taken the kids on some kind of field trip.  And we were staying in groups in hotel rooms.  But for some reason there were both men and women teachers in the teachers rooms.  And what was even weirder was that we taught classes in the hotel rooms.  And of course my classes that I was teaching went like they always do in my dreams.  The technology didn't work, and I didn't really have anything planned, and I was behind on grading, and the kids were rowdy, and on and on.

For some reason there was a guy there that I had been kind of seeing and I went to meet up with him, and was supposed to get back in time for dinner with the students. But I didn't make it back in time. When I got back I found out that the other teachers had just taken them to the food court at a mall instead of out for a nicer meal.  I was not happy.  The food court in the mall is one that does show up in my dreams occasionally.

Hmm, parts of the hotel, the hallway outside the room, the main lobby, those were all parts that have been in other dreams.  The room itself was a new one.

Not sure what most of the dream probably meant.  I know I'm probably dreaming about school stuff as the end of the school year approaches and is more on my mind. Also going to a retirement party for people at my last school this past week probably brought back those kinds of memories as well.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Baby You Can Drive My Car, or Maybe Not

I don't remember much about my dreams last night, other than I kept doing things that would mess up the front bumper of my car where my stepdad just fixed it.  In real life, I accidentally backed into a stack of railroad ties in my dad's driveway.  I didn't realize it at first, but it had made my front bumper be hanging off the passenger side of my car.  I have a $500 deductible on my car insurance, and it was going to cost at least $500 to fix it through an auto repair shop.  I'm going to Branson with my family on Memorial Day weekend, and my stepdad said I shouldn't drive that long way with it like that.  Fortunately he can be a genius with fixing things, and he did with my bumper. Well, I've noticed I'm now hypersensitive to anything that I might hit with the front of my car.  I know that I have a bad tendency of driving a bit over curbs because I'm always unsure how far the front of my car goes.  Well, that hypersensitivity must have carried over into my dreams, because last night I did several things in my dreams, as if I was unconsciously trying to ruin the fix.

  • I ran over a curb
  • I turned a corner sharp and ran over a bit of a hill on the side of the road
  • Somehow I ended up running up on a snow pile as well.  Not sure where the snow came from in May.  But there you go.
I can't remember all that I did in my dream, but I know whatever the final thing I did to my car was, it ripped out all the hard work my stepdad had put into it.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Wild and Crazy!

So I've been having trouble remembering my dreams enough lately to blog. But last night's were extremely vivid and extremely crazy, so I'm going to try to get them down now.  As always I can't remember every little bit, and there are in between parts that kind of blur out, but I will tell about the big scenes that I remember.

I remember living with my mom and stepdad, as an adult, in a house that is often a part of my dreams.  It is a weird house, and I know that in some dreams certain parts of it have been haunted.  But not last night.  Anyway, it was in the evening, and one of my college boyfriends had stopped by, let's just call him by his nickname at the time, Beavis.  And he and I were hanging out, in my bedroom.  Well, let's just say that he was there wanting the same kind of thing we mostly did in college.  And so we were talking, and then the next moment he was laying on my bed, undressed and expecting e to come over.  But my door was partially open, and of course, my stepdad was still up and about the house.  Even when I shut the door, I knew that at any time my stepdad might come open it.  So I told Beavis that he should get dressed and we'd have to wait until my stepdad went to bed.  I went on down to the kitchen area where for some reason dinner was being made and everyone was getting ready to eat.  Beavis came down holding my jeans and a shirt and told me they would need to be washed.

For some reason there was a dog, or maybe it was a cat, which would be weird for me to be trying to let a cat stay in the house since I am allergic to them.  But I was trying to convince my stepdad to let the cat stay as well.

Now, it was storming, and we were in a room that is new to my dreams.  It had lots of tall windows and you could see the lightning flashing outside and the trees waving around in the high winds.  Now for some reason I now had my own house right next door, right outside the windows we were looking at, where the tall trees were.  And I heard a crack and I  yelled for everyone to move as one of those trees came crashing down on top of my parents' house.  We all heard it hit and ducked, but it didn't really come through the roof or anything.

My guess at interpreting is that I've been doing some daydreaming about guys lately, and that is probably where the college boyfriend stuff came through.  I've not been daydreaming about him, just meeting a guy, and so I'm guessing he was a familiar face to stick in for my subconscious.  I used to daydream about guys all the time, but lately I realized most of the time I have old cat (dachshund) lady dreams, of a house that would have a fenced yard for my dogs.  I decided maybe I needed to start daydreaming/dreaming about guys and maybe that would bring one into my life?  Who knows.  I'm guessing the storm part of the dream was because it seems like it has been raining constantly lately. The tree falling probably had to do with all the things that have been damaging my car and then having to have my stepdad fix them for me when he can.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Dr. Who?


So I woke up this morning remember almost all of my dream!  And then, I got busy doing things at work and have forgotten a lot of it. So I decided to go ahead and try to start blogging what I did remember so that maybe the other parts would pop back into my head as I was typing.

I'm not a Doctor Who fan.  It's not that I don't like it, I've just never watched it.  And I'm sure I'd probably really enjoy it, but I already have so many shows that I watch that I just don't want to let myself get involved in another one.  However probably due to all the stuff we have to do with the show at the bookstore where I work, I'm guessing that is why it was in my dreams last night.

I remember something at the beginning about how I was going to do some complicated type of degree.  I'm guessing it had something to do with the International Baccalaureate program we have at school and all the testing we've been doing and will be doing the rest of the school year.  But I was worried about getting to my class/test whatever on time.  And for some reason I needed my parents to drive me, but they wouldn't help me out.  It was my mom and stepdad I think.  Which is weird, they've always been there for me when I need them for something like that.

So then I get to school and am looking at all the things I have to do in this classroom and thinking that maybe I don't want to do whatever this thing is that I have to do.  And after kind of discussing it with one of my professors from back when I was in library school, we decided that really it wasn't anything that was going to help me any, and so it would be a waste of my time and stress to do it.

Next thing I remember is being in a girls' bathroom at school, although it kind of looked like a fitting room in a store, and I was getting dressed in some type of Doctor Who costume, with the maroon and gold scarf I think?  Maybe it is in my head because of the books I ordered that arrived at school and I'm getting ready for the students.  But then in my dream, two students came in and were also changing into costumes, and one of them is an 8th grade girl we have that I know is really into Doctor Who and was telling me how awesome my costume was. 

I can't remember a lot of what happened after that.  I remember coming out in my costume and there being a kind of cute guy there, and me hoping he'd be impressed by my costume because he was a  Doctor Who fan.  I'm guessing that part may have had something to do with the new guy at work last night.

So that's all I can remember for now.  If I think of any other parts I may come back and add to the post later.  I just feel like there was more to talk about!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

All Together Now

Well, it seems as if I've been a bit lax in blogging about my dreams since last weekend.  And I actually remembered more of them some of the days.  So, today's blog will tell about the two nights' worth of dreams that I can remember, last night, and then the night of the last post I did.

So, back on May 3rd I dreamed about being part of an online debate about teachers, and then in my dream I woke up with a shirt that had a collar, as opposed to the tank top I had worn to bed.  Not sure what all that business was about.

Another part of a dream from either the 3rd or last night, can't remember for sure, I think last night. But it was that I was going back to college.  And as I always seem to be in these dreams, I was late to class.  But someone was trying to kill me.  It was like I knew where the killer was because I'd either seen a movie showing what he was going to do, or read a book. But then when we got out to where the killer was supposed to be, in a hanging car or trailer or something, he wasn't there.  And I'd told everyone to watch out because that was where he was supposed to be.  So then we all stood around and kept looking up at the trailer thing watching for him to show up.  Weird huh?

And I remember before that we'd all been sitting and watching something on the tv.  And it was in the living room in the house I grew up in, the living room in the back part of the house that at one time my bedroom had been back there as well.

I thought I remembered more, but nope, that is it!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Thanksgiving in May?

So when I woke up this morning I remembered so much of my dreams last night!  Of course by the time I got up off the couch and got the laptop out to start blogging, a lot had kind of disappeared from my memory.  But there were two main parts that I do remember, and as I talk about them here, I'm hoping more details will be remembered.

As my title suggests, there was a big Thanksgiving dinner in my dream.  Although in a way it could have been just maybe a retirement dinner as I have one of those coming up for some teachers from my last school.  First thing I remember is showing up in the room where all the food is and suddenly realizing I had forgotten to make whatever food I'd signed up to bring for what was a work Thanksgiving celebration. Although my family was there too, so not sure what that means.  And since I hadn't brought anything, I didn't feel like I should eat, even though the amount of food was AMAZING!!!  But I was convinced by another teacher that there was enough food I should go ahead and eat.  I also got a plate with the basics:  turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, a roll, noodles, etc.  And after I finished that, I went back for more food as there were so many different types of food and I wanted to try them all.  I did feel a little bad about that though, which I'm guessing has to do with how fat I am feeling right now knowing that I don't need to be eating so much.  There was more to this part of the dream, but I can't really remember a lot of it at the moment.

The other part of the dream that I remember has to do with being at work in the bookstore where I work part time.  Now, this bookstore is different in my dreams than the actual place where I work.  The Barnes and Noble where I work is two floors in real life, but in my dream it is a little different.  It has one really bit open floor, and then some kind of building in the middle that has a 2nd floor.  That floor has two escalators, one on either side of the store, or maybe they're stairs, can't remember for sure at the moment.  The second floor is more of a little island though, than the way that it goes completely around the edges in real life.  And actually in my dream, this 2nd floor is kind of a 3rd floor.  The little building in the middle actually contains elevators that can go up to the 3rd floor, or if you know how, they go to a second middle small floor, where the employees have a room just for them with lockers and the managers' offices.  I don't remember a whole lot about this part of the dream, but I do remember the setting as I always seem to dream the store is like this.  I'm guessing this part of the dream came from me going in to work last night.

Okay, just remembered a 3rd part of my dream!  I ended up at some kind of a furniture type of store, but this was in an outdoorsy type of place, almost a campground, but with some kind of military base connection.  I had gone to the store with my friend Michelle in her Jeep. For some reason we got separated and she headed out to the car first.  By the time I got out to the parking lot she was already pulling her Jeep out of the parking spot at the far side of the lot.  As she was doing this, we were all watching and saw what kind of looked like a giant paper airplane land, followed by a bunch of military guys on motorcycles and in small Jeep like cars surrounding it.  Soon my friend pulled up to me in the Jeep for us to go.  We talked about it being a drone, and how it must have been something major and not just a drill with the way the soldiers surrounded it and had the rest of us uniformly file out of the parking lot.  Not sure what that part of my dream was about or why I would have dreamt it.

Weird dreams last night again!  But I love them, I love really strange dreams, vivid dreams.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Who Let the Dogs Out?

So I remember a few things from my dream last night.  I was going to a party at the house of a friend who I used to work at  B. Dalton with.  The house in this dream for the most part was one I hadn't seen before, although as the dream went on, parts of it morphed into parts of houses from other dreams.  For some reason I'd taken my two dogs with me, and my 4 year old dachshund got out of the house and disappeared.  I was so scared and worried and sad, and we couldn't find her anywhere!  If I could have woken up from that dream, I would have done it as soon as I could have.  But I had to be in that dream for awhile. When I did wake up, I think when Dora actually woke me up about 3 am for her breakfast, I was so relieved to be able to hold her and love on her.  What a scary dream!

I know my friend was in the dream because I've been to parties at his house before, and I'd commented on a post of his on Facebook yesterday.  Not sure why Dora was in the dream, although I know that I do have dreams about one or both of my dogs getting loose and running away once in awhile.  Just glad to have woken up and had both my dogs snuggling in bed with me.  By the way, the dog on the right in the picture above is Dora, and to the left is my other dachshund, a 2 year old male named Argyle.