As my title suggests, there was a big Thanksgiving dinner in my dream. Although in a way it could have been just maybe a retirement dinner as I have one of those coming up for some teachers from my last school. First thing I remember is showing up in the room where all the food is and suddenly realizing I had forgotten to make whatever food I'd signed up to bring for what was a work Thanksgiving celebration. Although my family was there too, so not sure what that means. And since I hadn't brought anything, I didn't feel like I should eat, even though the amount of food was AMAZING!!! But I was convinced by another teacher that there was enough food I should go ahead and eat. I also got a plate with the basics: turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, a roll, noodles, etc. And after I finished that, I went back for more food as there were so many different types of food and I wanted to try them all. I did feel a little bad about that though, which I'm guessing has to do with how fat I am feeling right now knowing that I don't need to be eating so much. There was more to this part of the dream, but I can't really remember a lot of it at the moment.
The other part of the dream that I remember has to do with being at work in the bookstore where I work part time. Now, this bookstore is different in my dreams than the actual place where I work. The Barnes and Noble where I work is two floors in real life, but in my dream it is a little different. It has one really bit open floor, and then some kind of building in the middle that has a 2nd floor. That floor has two escalators, one on either side of the store, or maybe they're stairs, can't remember for sure at the moment. The second floor is more of a little island though, than the way that it goes completely around the edges in real life. And actually in my dream, this 2nd floor is kind of a 3rd floor. The little building in the middle actually contains elevators that can go up to the 3rd floor, or if you know how, they go to a second middle small floor, where the employees have a room just for them with lockers and the managers' offices. I don't remember a whole lot about this part of the dream, but I do remember the setting as I always seem to dream the store is like this. I'm guessing this part of the dream came from me going in to work last night.
Okay, just remembered a 3rd part of my dream! I ended up at some kind of a furniture type of store, but this was in an outdoorsy type of place, almost a campground, but with some kind of military base connection. I had gone to the store with my friend Michelle in her Jeep. For some reason we got separated and she headed out to the car first. By the time I got out to the parking lot she was already pulling her Jeep out of the parking spot at the far side of the lot. As she was doing this, we were all watching and saw what kind of looked like a giant paper airplane land, followed by a bunch of military guys on motorcycles and in small Jeep like cars surrounding it. Soon my friend pulled up to me in the Jeep for us to go. We talked about it being a drone, and how it must have been something major and not just a drill with the way the soldiers surrounded it and had the rest of us uniformly file out of the parking lot. Not sure what that part of my dream was about or why I would have dreamt it.
Weird dreams last night again! But I love them, I love really strange dreams, vivid dreams.

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