So I don't remember the whole dream, again. But bits and pieces that stood out or were repeated over and over.
We were going walking on a trail. Me and some other people, can't remember who all was there. But one guy showed up and walked with us. A guy who was interested in me I guess. And I guess I was interested back. This part of the dream kept kind of replaying. In one of the replays he stood in front of me and told me to jump on his back and he'd give me a piggy-back ride. I started to get on, but then thought about how I didn't want him to know just how heavy I am right now, so I got back down and said I'd just walk.
Now, supposedly we were looking for traces of something, like aliens or something? Or else they were after us. I know that we'd end up at a certain point, where he and I would really start talking and getting to know each other. As usual the perfect guy never really has a face in my dream, and I don't really ever SEE him. I guess that's because there isn't a Mr. Right in my life yet. I kind of get the sense as I think about it that he reminds me of a kind of nerdy guy that I've seen in something, tv show or movie, etc.
As I think about it now, I think the part of the reason I had the guy carrying me in the dream has to do with a part in the book I was reading yesterday. Wish I could remember more, I know there was more that I remembered this morning when I was thinking about blogging about it. Oh well.

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