Friday, May 29, 2015

To BEA or not to BEA

So, if you are a book lover and blogger, you probably know what I mean by BEA, I mean Book Expo America.  Like the biggest book convention in the US.  I've been able to go twice, 2012 and 2014.  Unfortunately it is in NYC, and so I can't afford to go every year, even with my sister living there and giving me a free place to stay.  But everyone who is there, lots of my blogger friends, are posting all their wonderful pictures of meeting authors and all the piles of books they're getting.  So of course it's making me jealous, and of course it would then leak into my dreams as it did last night.

So, I dreamed that the conference was going on and I was there, but not at the conference.  Somehow I was in the same convention center area, and was seeing the people who had been there, even though I didn't get to actually go in.  I ran into one blogger, I can't remember if it was someone real or not, but it was someone I'd traded with before, and she was sitting at a table and had a card to give me with a couple ARCs she was looking for that she wondered if I might have.  Of course how in the world she thought I would have ARCs since I hadn't even been to the convention, I don't know. But that is what happened.  Whenever I dream about being at conferences I have the same kind of long hallway area with a sign up table at the end that shows up in all the dreams.  It is kind of a combination of the different hotels/convention centers that I've been to I think.  I also dream a lot of times about a little bar that is in a house/bookstore type building that authors go to before or after the convention and somehow I can walk to it from my house/apartment/hotel room.  It varies depending on the dream.

That's the main stuff I remember from my dreams last night.

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