Monday, July 25, 2016

Vacation - All I Ever Wanted

Had to get away
Meant to be spent alone

The dream I'm going to share today again has to do with a hotel room/condo type of vacation with my family again. Which of course made me think of the Go-Go's song and video.  I know I have been absent with this blog, but again, it's not because I haven't been having dreams, in fact I had one a little while ago that I wanted to share, I just didn't have any time.  Today when I woke up, I knew I just needed to go ahead and plan to do a post on this one. Of course it has been over 8 hours since I woke up from the dream at the time I'm posting this, so I will not be able to remember every little bit. 

In this dream I was on vacation with my family, stepdad and mom specifically.  We were staying at my friend's condo in Colorado that I stayed at the last weekend in June.  Of course the condo in my dream wasn't anything like the real one.  This was a one story cabin type of place.  Nowhere near as nice as my friend's actual condo.  The main part of the dream was us getting ready to leave at the end of the vacation.  Me telling my stepdad that everyone needed to take the sheets off the beds to wash them before we went, and then re-make the beds. But he and my mom were going to leave me there to do it. And I had a ton of stuff that I needed to pack up and load up in my car before I could go.

Later parts of the dream had me going back to the last school I taught at for 14 years before I became a librarian at the school where I am now.  Only the school is never like the actual school.  It is a bit of a mash-up of my elementary school, Holy Cross Lutheran, and some other school my brain makes up a lot.  I had gone in for some reason, and was talking to the people there.  Not that it would be that unusual, I do still talk to a lot of those people, on Facebook, as well as attending retirement parties, and hanging out at Royals games and stuff.  But I was talking to our head secretary, who I do still talk to and see occasionally.  And she asked me if I could come in and work the registration tables before school started, even though I don't work there anymore, because they were having trouble getting the current teachers to sign up.

Those are the main parts of the dream.  I see more of the having to pack up and be left behind by family theme again.  This time having to do with vacation, but still having too much stuff to leave and move on with others.

Monday, May 2, 2016

It's a Twister, Auntie Em!

I know I haven't posted in a while.  And actually, I've been remembering less of my dreams.  However I do feel like maybe I'm getting better sleep, so that's a good thing I guess.  However I did have some very memorable moments in last night's dreams, so I wanted to do a post since I had a little time today and could remember them to talk about.

In the dream I was at some kind of resort I think, or at one point it was a school building.  There is a school that is in my dreams a lot recently, where the library is in the middle of the building in kind of a unique way. But anyway.  I was outside in a building that was either being torn down, or still in the process of being built, I'm not sure which.  But I think there were students out there with me.  Anyway, all of a sudden the tornado sirens went off and we could see the tornado coming down from the clouds almost right on top of us. The only thing we could do was go inside the building and grab onto the wooden or steel beams and try to not let go as the tornado went right through the building we were standing in.

The tornado passed by, quickly, but it seemed like forever as we all held on as hard as we could. And really, no one was picked up by the tornado!  We all survived that!  However, the building didn't hold up that well. And so some of the people who did survive, didn't make it past that.  As one person opened the door by where he was standing to get to the stairs to get down, he stepped out without looking and unfortunately that staircase was just gone, so he fell to his death.  There were other similar things that happened.

Now that is the major part of the dream that I remember.  There were other parts about driving and being at a book convention, but I don't remember enough about those parts to really share it here.

When I look up what dreaming about a tornado means, here is what I get:

To dream of a tornado in your represents an emotionally volatile or sensitive situation. An "emotional storm." A sudden argument, conflict or unsettling experience. Something that has the potential to get a lot worse, cause emotional outbursts, temper tantrums, or make you very upset. You may be experiencing a challenging situation or relationship that is pushing your buttons. Angry relationship breakups.

Tornadoes reflect anger, losing your temper, high degrees of stress, frustration, anxiety, worry, or strong emotional outbursts. Tornadoes in dreams may also indicate a fear of terrible sudden losses. Unforeseen changes. Havoc.

To dream of escaping a tornado may represent a sense of hyper-responsibility as you try to avoid conflict or keep the peace. 

And since I did have a bit of an emotional breakdown yesterday, I would say this definition fits for sure!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

It's Out Of This World!

It's been a long time since I've posted.  It's not because I haven't still been having vivid dreams, or that I didn't want to write them down.  It's just that with school going on, I've just not had the time to come and type up a post before I forgot them.  Even today's post was one I wrote what I had time to write on a piece of paper at the beginning of the school day, and as you can see, I'm just now getting around to posting about it.  So it'll probably not have all the details I could have included first thing this morning, but I still want to talk about it!

So, the dream, or the part I remember the clearest, started at the house I grew up in.  I was looking outside and saw some kind of spacecraft/military plane going across the sky.  And then I saw it slowly lower down to in front of the old school that was down the street from my  house.  I went outside with my camera, and for some reason I went and sat in my car to watch it.  I was taking pictures, but then I saw military soldiers coming out of the ship, and I figured I'd better put my camera away, so I set it down, but also make sure to hide my cell phone really well so that even if they took my camera, I could still take pictures/videotape what I was seeing.  They were taking people out of the house next to the school into the ship.  I have no idea why.  After a certain amount of people got on the ship, the military guys started going back on. About this time one of the soldiers saw me, and came and took my camera. They searched for a cell phone, but didn't find where I'd hidden it.  So they went back to the ship and it took off.  Of course once they were back on the ship, I got my cell phone out and filmed it.

The next part of the dream I was meeting an old college friend at a restaurant.  And then my college roommate showed up kind of unexpectedly to hang out with us, and she had a baby with her.  Now, she has kids, but none are babies anymore.  Anyway, I went to show them my video, and then my old roommate said everyone already knew, and pointed over to the TV where they were showing footage of the spaceship.  Then her baby/toddler kind of ran away from the booth and she went to chase him.  The guy, let's call him Brian (names changed for my own sake), hadn't really been talking that much, and so at this point he said he had to leave, and he got up and went away before I had a chance to really talk to him.  I was really upset because he was the reason I'd gone to the restaurant, and then didn't get to talk to him or really hang out with him.

I am guessing the spaceship part of the dream came from the audiobook I'm listening to right now, Invaded.  Not sure why I was back in my old neighborhood.  I'm not sure exactly why the restaurant scene was there.  Probably because I may have felt like I didn't get much of a chance to talk to my friend last time I saw them.  Not sure about my roommate, or the baby.  Oh yeah, now I think I know why the baby was there, probably something to do with going to see a sneak preview of the movie How to be Single the other night.  The older sister in the movie, single of course, decided to have a baby on her own.  Something I had thought I might do at one point, at least until I had the surgery two years ago that made that something that couldn't ever happen.

That's all I remember.  I wish so much there was a way to record dreams and watch them back later.