Sunday, May 17, 2015

Class Field Trips?

Okay, some really weird things in my dreams last night.  Somehow I ended up in a hotel with students.  Other teachers were there as well, so it's not anything really weird and wrong.  We had taken the kids on some kind of field trip.  And we were staying in groups in hotel rooms.  But for some reason there were both men and women teachers in the teachers rooms.  And what was even weirder was that we taught classes in the hotel rooms.  And of course my classes that I was teaching went like they always do in my dreams.  The technology didn't work, and I didn't really have anything planned, and I was behind on grading, and the kids were rowdy, and on and on.

For some reason there was a guy there that I had been kind of seeing and I went to meet up with him, and was supposed to get back in time for dinner with the students. But I didn't make it back in time. When I got back I found out that the other teachers had just taken them to the food court at a mall instead of out for a nicer meal.  I was not happy.  The food court in the mall is one that does show up in my dreams occasionally.

Hmm, parts of the hotel, the hallway outside the room, the main lobby, those were all parts that have been in other dreams.  The room itself was a new one.

Not sure what most of the dream probably meant.  I know I'm probably dreaming about school stuff as the end of the school year approaches and is more on my mind. Also going to a retirement party for people at my last school this past week probably brought back those kinds of memories as well.

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