I don't remember much about my dreams last night, other than I kept doing things that would mess up the front bumper of my car where my stepdad just fixed it. In real life, I accidentally backed into a stack of railroad ties in my dad's driveway. I didn't realize it at first, but it had made my front bumper be hanging off the passenger side of my car. I have a $500 deductible on my car insurance, and it was going to cost at least $500 to fix it through an auto repair shop. I'm going to Branson with my family on Memorial Day weekend, and my stepdad said I shouldn't drive that long way with it like that. Fortunately he can be a genius with fixing things, and he did with my bumper. Well, I've noticed I'm now hypersensitive to anything that I might hit with the front of my car. I know that I have a bad tendency of driving a bit over curbs because I'm always unsure how far the front of my car goes. Well, that hypersensitivity must have carried over into my dreams, because last night I did several things in my dreams, as if I was unconsciously trying to ruin the fix.
- I ran over a curb
- I turned a corner sharp and ran over a bit of a hill on the side of the road
- Somehow I ended up running up on a snow pile as well. Not sure where the snow came from in May. But there you go.

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