So, if my title doesn't make a lot of sense, it's because it is a list of all the things I remember from my dreams last night that I kind of chanted over and over in my head to try to help myself remember for my post today. Let's begin shall we?
What I remember is being in the bookstore where I work, although it wasn't the usual form it takes in my dreams, this kind of looked like a bar. And we had these 12 tables set up with birthday cakes on them. And supposedly there were 12 different people coming in to have their birthdays celebrated for free at this bar/bookstore. The employees had to spread out at the different tables to be part of the celebrations, kind of as guides to each group for the event. The table I was at had a kind of messed up looking cake. One corner, where you might normally have the person's name, looked at first like it had been cut out. But as I got closer, I saw that it just had like a mound of extra icing there instead. The group that walked up to my table were two attractive guys. One that was like my image of the perfect guy, and then the other one who was the actual birthday person. The guy having the birthday was gay. But I wasn't sure if his friend was, or was just being a good friend and celebrating. So I had to walk around and give a tour and then also while we sat at the table I had to try to make conversation with the two guys. And it was hard. I get really nervous around cute guys. For some reason we got separated and when I got back to the table they'd already cut the cake and I was worried about not getting a piece with lots of icing. But I ended up with on. I also remember that the birthday parties were being sponsored by Guiness Beer? And at one point in the tour I felt I had to make sure to point out to my two guys that the bookstore was just my part time job and that I was a full time high school librarian.
Now, outside of the bookstore/bar was a beach, and I just remember going out there and seeing like some kind of big yard sale going on. And at the end, a woman I used to work at the bookstore with came over with her mother and they offered to give me some fancy chair thing for me to give to my niece. So then I had to try to get the chair, and suddenly my two dogs as well, out out to my car. And to get to my car we had to walk down this sidewalk in a city, that is what pops up in some of my dreams where I"m supposedly visiting my sister in NYC.
My own interpretation is that I saw a really cute guy, my perfect image, at the bookstore last night. And he came up to ask for a book, and actually stumbled over his words a bit. And I worked last night, which is probably why the bookstore was in my dream. Not sure why there was cake, other than maybe I saw a book last night that had something to do with cake that stuck out in my head. I think the chair thing came from reading posts by that friend on Facebook before I went to bed, as well as talking about my niece with one of my fellow workers at the bookstore. The dog part of the dream is easy. My two dogs are making me crazy! I love them to death! And love how snuggly they are at night. But when the oldest one, Dora, decides she wants me to get up and take her outside to potty, she starts just licking my leg. Just one lick. Waits a few seconds, then another. It is so annoying!! The having to make sure they knew about my library job has to do with me finding out that once again I didn't get a library job in the district I had taught in for 14 years. It was very disappointing to me yesterday because I didn't even get called in for an interview. Very frustrating. As for the beach, have no idea where that came in, other than I'm going on vacation this coming weekend. Not that I'll be near a beach though.

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