So I had a couple different dreams last night, but as the last one had to kind of do with more of a trip, I chose to title today's blog post for that.
The first dream I was hanging out with my brother, who actually was in most of my dreams last night. It was early in the morning, very early, before people are usually awake. And for some reason we were trying to sneak back to the house we grew up in, where in the dream our parents were still living. They had a huge pile of mail on the front doorstep. We stopped the car in the street and I went up to look through the mail. I found three packages for me, the soft envelope kind that usually mean someone has sent me a book. ANd then I knew there was an envelope somewhere for me, a bill or a refund from a utility, but didn't have enough time to look through it as I can hear my stepdad inside getting ready to take the dogs outside. So I try to run to the car to leave before he comes out, but I don't make it and so I have to say good morning as he comes outside. And then I think I woke up but don't remember for sure.
The second part of the dream started with trying to find seats on a plane with my cousin Margaret and a friend of another friend. And for some reason my brother was also there looking for a seat. He ended up having to sit somewhere else on the plan as we didn't end up with any seats by where we were. I almost lost my seat as well because I couldn't find my belongings at first. Then the plane landed. And we all had to get off and I thought we were just going to another plane to eat. On the way I see a van and my cousin Angie and one of her sons or nephews coming out of it on a stretcher as if he's been injured. No idea where that came from. But we get to the other plane, and let me tell you how strange and huge this plane is. The seats are like 5 or more in a row on each side of the plane, and then part of the plane has tables set up and people are sitting and eating at the tables. After my cousin and my friend's friend and I all find seats and even save one for my brother this time, I go back and find he's already found a seat at one of the tables. And then I find out that we're not going back to the original plane, we'll be leaving on this plane, so I have to run back to the first plane to try to get my stuff from the bus or the plane, I don't remember for sure. But a guy that I used to teach with, a cute guy, but a married younger guy, has also flagged the plane/bus back so he can get his stuff and I can get my stuff. And that's about all I remember from the dream.
Weird again, and very vivid.