So I remember a little more from last night's dream. There is a school building that morphs and changes as I go through it in the dream, but it has several of the same characteristics no matter what school I'm supposedly at in the dream. It starts out being kind of similar to Holy Cross Lutheran School where I attended my 1st-8th grade years. But usually I'm actually at Northgate Middle School in my dreams, where I taught for 14 years, even though the school is HCLS. Sometimes it is a building similar to my high school, North Kansas City High School. But when you go inside it is more confusing and lots of weird passages and such that aren't actually in my school. In fact there tends to be many dead ends and even tunnels to get through to certain places. One of the tunnels that always seems to show up is the hallway down in the basement of HCLS where we used to line up each day to get our lunch. Not sure why that is still so present in my subconscious, but it is. Then I end up back behind the school building through one of these tunnels or kind of hidden hallways. And back there is a gym, which kind of turns into a football stadium somehow. At first I end up back there and there is a practice going on. Which turns into some kind of an assembly, that is an alumnae assembly for my graduating class. So there are all these people I see that I know there. Including the boys that I had a crush on back then. And let's just say that this stadium is huge, like a minor league baseball team size, in fact it is no longer a football field, but now it is a baseball field.
My thoughts about where parts of this came from are varied. I figure school is always on my mind since I am a school librarian. When I found out yesterday that one of the school library jobs I applied for in another district was filled without me even getting to interview, I guess that is where the whole feeling left out bit, like the assembly and boys I had crushes on (that didn't ever like me back), came from. My guess is that the football stadium part came from walking around the track in my current school's football stadium yesterday after school. The turning into a baseball field probably comes from all the big Kansas City Royals excitement we've been having with our awesome team this year and last year. There was definitely more to the dream.
I think that I was back in an apartment from when I was in college. And as usual I hadn't ever officially moved out, so I had stuff in it, and needed to go move my stuff out. And also it turned into a rental house that my aunt on my stepdad's side, well her ex-husband was living there part time while I wasn't there. Weird, weird. Of course sometimes he shows up in the same kind of situation but it is in a house I used to own and live in when I taught in Plattsburg, Missouri. None of that makes any sense other than he lives in my grandma's house, but that's way near Girard, Kansas.
So I'm sharing lots of settings I guess so far for my dream journal. Maybe I'll start remembering more of what is actually happening as I continue this blog.