I feel like I have a lot of dreams about needing to pack up old belongings to move on. Usually they take place where I have to go back and move all my stuff out of a dorm room or else an apartment I stayed in when I was in college. Last night's dream had me having to get all my stuff packed up and moved out of a hotel room. How weird is that? But this hotel room was still kind of like a dorm room, in that it shared a bathroom with a room on the other side of the bathroom. But it was a hotel, because new people showed up to stay in the room. But they showed up at 10 am, and I still had a mess of things to pick up and get out of the room. I told the people that I thought I had till 11 am, so they went ahead and left and said they'd just come back later. Well, it seems like I kept finding more and more bags of stuff. And then as I would open the dresser drawers, and for some reason there were a lot of dressers in this hotel room, I would find more of my stuff. And some stuff I would just tell the person helping me to leave. Sometimes the person helping me was my brother. I think it was a writer friend of mine another time, and there might have even been a few times that one of my sisters was helping me.
There were all kinds of things that I was finding. CDs, stuffed animals, jewelry, shoes, old school work, so many things I can't even think of all of them.
My own interpretations go like this: I think the leaving things that I wasn't going to take has to do with my email conversation with my sister yesterday about just leaving the furniture she didn't want sitting on the sidewalk outside of her apartment in NYC. I'm guessing all the old stuff I was finding has to do with me looking for the magazine and post card that I took to get autographed by Sean Astin at a Comic-Con last weekend, and all the memories I found. I looked through boxes of stuffed animals and old school stuff, etc. I'm not sure why I keep dreaming about having to clear out old things. I may have to go do some online dream meaning research for that.

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