I was at some kind of antique show or craft fair type thing with my family, including my niece as well as some of my former students were there with us as well. I'd found a couple of like yarn dolls that had themes like Gone with the Wind and Wizard of Oz. Then we lined up to buy things, and you had to put your stuff on this conveyor belt, I guess like a grocery store, except for that it went in kind of a square for the long line. When I got up to the front, I realized one of the dolls had fallen off or something so I ran back in line to try to find it. I asked one of my students to watch the other doll while I went to look. I couldn't find it, and when I got back, the students had gone up to pay, and my other doll was nowhere to be found. I just knew someone had taken it, so I started walking past all the other people and looking at their piles to see if I could find it. When that didn't work I went and sat at the cash registers and watched every purchase. Eventually everyone was through, and other than a couple suspicious acting people, I never found it. Meanwhile my family had left me and went back to our hotel. So I had to find a way back there. When I got back I was kind of mad at them for leaving.
Before I left though I had to go get my car, and it was parked up on a hill that I had to climb up, and it was hard, my fingers were digging through dirt. I think that bit of the dream came from watching the new show Zoo last night, when the two characters fell down the hill.
Later in the dream I was at a movie theater and getting in line to see a movie I wanted. Now this theater was on a hill, but it was also, when I left, in a real shopping center in my town, that is actually kind of down a hill. So who knows. I had ridden a bike there and people were asking me how I was going to get home, and I showed them the bike and they were impressed I would ride that far.
Those are the main things I remember.

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