Can I just say how intense and vivid my dreams were last night? I mean I shut the lights out at about 10:30 pm. I woke up during the night after some already extremely vivid dreams, only to find that it had only been an hour since I'd turned off the light. That is craziness! Then the rest of the night continued that way, leaving me waking up not feeling very rested. And the dreams were all over the place. Let me see if I can remember all of what happened, and I even can kind of figure out why some of the parts of the dreams took place.

In the first hour last night, I remember that I was living in a dorm/community type of area. Possibly on a spaceship. I'm sure that bit came from the book I started to read a page or two of last night. But the rooms had glass walls that faced the hallway. Or maybe that was just the little tv/family room that anyone could go hang out in. There had been some kind of big scare, a mass murderer or something, don't remember that bit. But I'd been hanging out and watching tv, I think maybe with my 3 year old niece, or maybe my sisters were a lot younger in the dream. But we left when some kind of gangster looking guys came in, not mafia gangsters, but street gangs. When we came back into the room later, they'd written a bunch of gang stuff up on a chalkboard on the wall. So I erased it, because I was worried about the younger kids there seeing it. Then I was really worried they would know I'd done it and come retaliate, so I went to tell one of the cops about it to try to get extra protection. There were lots of cops there because of whatever the big deal that had been going on was, and they acted like a gang was no big deal, they had bigger fish to fry. For some reason I was also in trouble with some head honcho lady, and I got sent up to work with her. And so I was trying to convince her I was on her side, but I was sneaking around doing something. Can't remember what. In the big family/tv room, at one point there was a lot of people sitting around with the cops hanging out, and then these guys that looked really familiar walked in, and they called themselves the Ghostfacers. Well, that was a group on the tv show that I like, Supernatural. And then they came back from being inside a back room and had us put a penny in a basket, and soon these people dressed like ghosts were coming out and going up to each person who had put a penny in the basket. I think it was shortly after this I woke up.

The next dream, that seemed to just last and last, was my family lived in a HUGE mansion. One that was in a nice neighborhood, with other big houses. But we had a fence up around it, and had lots of special doors that could lock out things, like there seemed to maybe be zombies, or some other catastrophe going around, that we wanted to keep other people from breaking in or stealing our things. For awhile I was kind of in the home by myself I think. Just me and one of my dogs. Then I heard a noise at the front door, and when I looked out, there was a little curly haired puppy. I didn't want to let it in, but then I saw a feral cat was attacking it, so I had to save it. I brought it inside, and of course it was scared, and a puppy, so it was peeing all over the place. I'm guessing that part of the dream came from having to clean things up in my bedroom last night from where my other dog, the male one, has peed during the night when I'm sleeping. So at the time my male dog was supposed to be staying with his breeder, although in my dream the breeder was instead of the normal person, it was the person who watches my female dog when I'm out of town. And somehow my little boy dog showed up at my house by himself, when he'd been staying like 45 minutes away. So that was scary to think of him running around outside that long by himself. Soon all of my family showed up, along with people who aren't really in my family in real life, but seemed to be part of it for the dream. And there were family friends as well, like a really big, football player type of guy, that was supposed to be a friend of my brother.

I was going around making sure all the doors, every last one, was locked. That all the windows were covered so that people couldn't see we were inside. Zombies, people, whatever. At one point I had made dinner, and when all the people came down, the older women skipped going to the table to eat and instead had those Easter Peeps candies that were strangely colored in their hands and they all went and sat in a row of recliner chairs, while all the other people sat at the table. When I asked what they were doing, the women said they were going to just eat those things, which would put them to sleep and they would die, that way saving enough food for everyone else to survive. I didn't let them do it, and by the time I convinced them to go back to the table and eat, all the men and boys had left to do something else, but without eating their food.

When I went to find the men, they had all gone outside to a pool or something to just hang out, and I had to chase them all back inside and get the doors secured. But unfortunately a guy with a kid had seen we were all living there, and was sneaking up to get in and take our house and supplies from us. So I had to stop him, which required me doing something sexual with him. Once I got rid of him, my brother and his friend came down and were going to try to go outside again, but I made them leave, or at least my brother. I kept his big football player friend and kind of flirted and did the same things with him I'd just had to do with the other guy. Turns out the friend had always kind of liked me that way, and didn't want to, because he respected me too much or something, but then I didn't give him a choice.

I think the zombie/hide in the house thing came from watching the Fear the Walking Dead preview last night. Also the sex parts probably came from re-reading a story I'd started during NaNoWriMo several years ago, and then I had kind of been looking at working on it again yesterday, and it has some racy scenes in it. I think the puppy part has to do with a rescue group I follow on Facebook that was posting so many cute puppy pictures yesterday that I wanted to take them all home!

Really, really, intense dreams. Even with the weirdness, when the dogs woke me up at about 3:30 am to go outside, when I went back to bed for the two hours before my alarm would go off, I fell right back into the dream. And when the alarm went off, even with the weirdness, I almost didn't want to wake up and go into the real world, just because my dream world was a little better. I mean, I was getting some attention from guys, something that doesn't seem to ever happen in my real life.