My dream started at a store, pretty sure it was the Kohl's store nearest where I live. They were having a good sale on Bobs, like buy one get one free or something like that. First I found a pair that was really neat colors and grabbed it. Then I saw a pair that looked like the old fashioned saddle shoes and I just knew I had to have those also. I was carrying both boxes when the store decided to close and shooed us out, not making me put down the shoe boxes I had. So I took them home, to the house I grew up in. She was getting ready to take all the dogs she had outside. For some reason she had like 8 dogs, and she was bringing them outside and then putting them on the leash. There were mostly dachshunds, but then there were one or two bigger dogs in the group. There were people walking down the street, and of course that meant some of the dogs had to bark, making it harder to get the dogs on their leashes and to do what they were supposed to do.
Once back inside, my mom went to get ready for work like she sometimes did in the old house, in her master bathroom. I went and started getting ready in the hall bathroom. Then my mom and stepdad went to work. Leaving me home to take care of their dogs and my two dogs. The front door of that house is right by the staircase to go down to the basement. And so when the dogs needed to go out again later, a bunch were downstairs and the ones upstairs, the bigger ones, were jumping over the railing and landing on the steps to get around to get first in line to go outside. My dogs, little bitty dachshunds, were trying to do the jump as well. Dora tried and got stuck, but on the side where the living room was so that she didn't fall down the stairs and get hurt. I was only able to get about four of the dogs on leashes and then when I went to go outside, the other dogs not on leashes kind of pushed through the door with us and I couldn't get them to stop. Another parade of people came down the street and I was able to find most of the dogs. But one dog, the smallest one, probably my Dora, I didn't find until I saw her in a cart riding with a little handicapped boy who didn't want to give her up. But I got her back by going up and taking her.
Next I remember being back in the house. We were in the back living room and watching tv, along with a big picture window open to see the stars outside. Now we never had a picture window in the back, so not sure where that came from. And the window was up at the top of the wall, so you could only see up into the stars and not into the yard behind the house. It was like you could see the Milky Way, it was so pretty. I kept asking my mom what it was, if it was the Milky Way and she got a little irritated with me for asking her so many questions. Then all of a sudden it was really light outside like it was day. I went through the house trying to look out the back windows to figure out what was going on. I got to my parents' bedroom and looked out and saw it was someone with a spotlight that was shining it on our house, and kind of doing signals with it because all of a sudden a line of people came out from the yard to the side of ours and started running toward our house. I tried to get my stepdad's attention, and he was sitting on the toilet in the master bathroom. I couldn't really see him, just a dark shadow in the dark bathroom. So then I went to get my mom's attention. She was out in the laundry room which had a door to the back yard. She looked out the little diamond shaped window in the door and pushed it shut, but acted like she couldn't see anything out there. So I told her she needed to lock it. And she did. Then when we looked out, it was like all the people had stopped when they got to these big tents and were eating food. That's where the first dream stopped because I woke up.
When I went back to sleep, I had gone to a party somewhere with a bunch of work friends from the middle school I used to teach at. They were doing some kind of food samples. Next thing I know my mom is doing one of those parties at the house I grew up in. And there's someone's little kid there. It's not my niece, because it is an older kid. But I get stuck watching them. And I have to keep them away from the rest of the party which is out on the back deck I guess. I see my mom come through the house and go with a cousin of mine to go back out. I ask her when someone is coming to watch the kid so I can go to the party before it starts. And she tells me the party has already started, and no one is going to come watch the kid, I have to watch her. Then I get really upset that I am being excluded from the party when it was my idea to have it. And that's about all I remember from that.
My own analysis goes like this. I think the dealing with all the dogs comes from both dealing with her two dogs when I've gone over to let them out and they're not cooperative. As well as from dealing with my two dogs who are not always cooperative, and that happens usually when there are neighbors outside to see the dogs making feel stupid. I think the jumping over the railing thing came from when I ordered pizza last night and one of my dogs jumps high enough his little head shows up over the baby gate that I have to keep them in the living room. He jumps pretty high, he's pretty little. I'm guessing the work people showed up in my dream because I got on Facebook last night and saw a bunch of them went to the Royals' game last night, although separate, not as a group.
Weird, vivid dreams.